Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Shawshank redemtion...Chicaaagooooo...you're outta there...

Quote? Anyone. Ace Ventura....one of the best movies of all time. Anyways-this was said several times this past weekend as we surprised one of our best friends up in Chicago for his birthday. Our good friend's girlfriend got a ton of Austin/Chicago/elsewhere friends of Brandon's to fly to Chicago last weekend and surprise him Friday night. Chicago was awesome...and cold! It hurt to breathe. We made a trip to the northface store within the first 30 minutes of getting into the city. Anyways, Brandon's girlfriend hosted an open bar that evening for the big SURPRISE and then we went to a couple of bars that night. Saturday we walked around town, went ice skating at Millenium Park, went to the top of the Hancock building and just hung out. That night we went to get some Chicago style pizza at Giordanos (awesome!) and then went to this bar to see a Dave Matthews Tribute band. In fact, I think that was their name. It was awesome, had a great time with everyone! Sunday we woke up, had brunch, went to the top of the Willis building (formerly known as the Sears Tower) and then went to check out the Shedd Aquarium. Willis building was really cool - they have the see through glass floors now you can walk out on which was pretty trippy. The Shedd was a must-see as well. I love me a good aquarium! I've told G that I want to start the first Austin aquarium and be in charge of the sea otters. We'll see if that happens.

Anyways, had a wonderful time in Chicago. Then got on the plane Sunday night to head home and didn't feel that great. I figured I was just exhausted from the trip but I think I caught strep or some sort of nastyness from someone we were around this weekend or on the plane because I have felt like absolute, dying crap since Sunday night. Monday I woke up with a low fever and sore throat so I stayed home from work. I went to bed last night feeling decent (probably just the 4 advil I'd taken) and then woke up at 3am wishing someone would just come cut my head off. My throat literally felt like someone had taken a blade and just cut the back of it...I didn't want to breathe, swallow and most of all cough. So - I took some more pills and went back to bed. 7a.m. rolled around, got out of bed and had almost a 101 degree fever. So I didn't move all day today either. It really sucks, I have a meeting in 2 weeks and really need to be at work getting some crap done this week. I just took my temp 5 min ago and it's still pretty high, I guess I should've gone to the Dr. this morning :( Hopefully I'll wake up feeling 100% tomorrow morning.

Charlie has been sooo sweet the past 2 days when I've felt like crap though. I've slept in bed til mid-morning and then moved out to the couch. Charlie has pretty much not left my side the entire time I've been sick, it's been really cute. Although he does get a little warm when he lays up on my neck and falls asleep. Today I was trying to watch something really important (either Anthony Bourdain or Diners, drive-ins, & dives...) and couldn't even hear the TV over Charlie's snoring :)

Tonight G and I were sitting here just talking about him and he kept saying, "I'm so happy we got him" and "He has such a great personality." Just now as I was typing this, G was playing his XBOX and he just goes, "Awww...he's so cuddly..." I looked over to see Charlie just sprawled across G's lap happily asleep. We are very lucky to have such a loving little puppy in our lives right now!

Anyways, I'll end with some pictures of Chicago and of Charlie laying on the couch with me today to keep me warm/keep me company. Keep your fingers crossed that the fever/headaches/sore throat are gone in the morning. I unfortunately really need to go to work!
Me and all the Austin boys - including Brandon, the birthday boy!
The group of us in front of the bean!
Ice skating at Millenium Park!
Chicago style pizza at Giordanos.
Top of the Willis (sears) Tower
Glass floor!
Had to take a picture of the seahorses at the Shedd Aquarium..the seahorses, they're so beautiful and cute. I love em...seahorses, forever!
Last picture of the trip. Did I mention that Chicago was cold??? It was freakin freezing!
Where I found Charlie yesterday afternoon...
Pretty much where Charlie's been the past 2 days while I've been home sick.
My sweet baby kept me warm and kept me company while I haven't been feeling well.
He also decided he really likes sitting on top of the coffee table. Notice all of his toys in the background...I think he's pulled out every single toy in the past 2 days and thrown them around the apartment!

OK - off to bed....as much as I love lounging with my puppy, I really hope I feel better in the morning. Night!

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