Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Recurring Theme: Poo

Disclaimer: I'm only telling this story because a co-worker of mine told me to write about it after telling her the story yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday G had to go to Oklahoma for work. His flight was around 4 p.m. so I gladly volunteered to take him to the airport. I ran home from work, threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed Charlie and we all headed out the door to drop G off at the airport. G got an email or something on the way to the airport letting him know his flight was delayed so we decided to pull over and walk Charlie for a little bit because, well bluntly, he had been farting in the car the entire drive and it was very apparent he had something he needed to get out. So anyways, we pull over near the Waffle House and walk him around in the grass near some hotel that looked empty. Charlie's been having some "non-solid" poos lately and this one wasn't any different. I did my best to pick it up with a baggie, then found a trashcan and got back in the car. Charlie was sitting on G's lap the rest of the way to the airport and randomly G stated, "If Charlie leaves a brownish yellow poo streak on my shirt I'm gonna be pissed!" I just laughed because obviously that wouldn't happen. Wouldn't you know it...after NOT knocking on wood, Charlie jumped off of G's lap and on G's shirt was a little brownish yellow poo mark! I couldn't help it, I started cracking up because G was holding his shirt out just staring at the little smear of poo. Charlie was now perched on the towel on my lap looking at G as he was silently cursing and trying to get an extra shirt out of his suitcase. At this point we were already going around the circular drive at the Austin airport and G was changing shirts, Charlie was trying to jump back into his lap, I was cracking up while trying to drive and hold onto Charlie and finally pulled up to the SW drop off. I told G, between stiffled laughs, to just wash it in the sink at the hotel with warm water and soap...so off G went with his poo-shirt in his suitcase to Oklahoma for work.

The end - Go eat some dinner or something now that I'm sure your appetite has grown.

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