Sunday, January 10, 2010's cold in here!

We had a great, relaxing, COLD weekend this weekend. We have had record lows in Austin this week/weekend. It's been chilly but I really actually kind of enjoy if since we never get it! Friday night we went out with my sister and Justin to TX Land and Cattle for some dinner and then came home and just hung out with Charlie dog. G played some video games, Charlie and I fell asleep on the was a successful evening! Minus the fact that Charlie chewed off a corner of our TV stand. Sigh.
Lounging on the couch...getting very very sleepy....
And he's out.

Charlie's always been into "hiding" his bones all over our apartment. He loves to hide them in the most obvious spots too, which makes G and I crack up all the time. Ex: corner of the living room where everyone can see, under the blanket on the couch, on the bookshelf. So anyways, Saturday was a lazy day at the Madole residence and as I was sitting on the couch Charlie decided to hop up and hide a huge bone in his mouth. Lets see if you can find it in the below picture...
See it?

Here's a closer look :)
See? Sometimes just to piss him off we pull the bones out of their hiding spots when he's looking...kind of mean but pretty funny to watch his little face!

What else did we do this weekend?? Saturday evening we went over to the Davis house for some football watching/C's birthday night celebration. The boys had a lot of fun playing the new Mario game for the Wii so today G and I went out and got it. It actually is a ton of fun - too bad G's studying for his LEED certification class right now and can't play it all the time! We also went and signed Charlie up for the 2nd training class at PetsMart that we're going to put him in. It's the "intermediate class" and we're hoping he's not the dumbest one in there :) Guess we'll just have to work really hard with him up until then so that he doesn't make a fool out of himself. (and us!)

Charlie's also started to love playing fetch with the new tennis ball (and really anything else) that we'll throw to him. He's still getting the concept of "drop" down when he brings it back to us but he'll learn that with time.
Sometimes I think he rolls it under the coffee table just so we'll come over and get it out for him!
Did I mention that Charlie has mastered "shake" now? :) I'm pretty proud. Now if he would only master "come" and "stay!" But we're working on it and I think he'll get it pretty soon...

All right - off to bed for me! I'm officially going to go change my name tomorrow morning! I'm pretty excited about it but also a little sad to see the maiden name go. I'm still trying to figure out if I want to keep it somehow. We'll sleep on it and see...

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