Friday, January 15, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away...

I'm currently staffing a meeting in Galveston for the Texas Society of Pathologists. I absolutely love Galveston, however, it's been a torential downpour the entire time we've been here. The waves are actually lapping up over the seawall! It's pretty cool to see. I imagine this is how it was during Ike...maybe not!

I have some pictures of Charlie that I want to upload that are pretty funny from the past couple of days but the computer we have at the meeting is a little old school and doesn't have the slot for the picture card so you'll just have to wait :)

Learned something at the meeting already. Go to and search for "Drinking out of Cups." or just click on this link! You have to watch it a couple of times to really think it's funny, but the back story is: Some friends locked their friend that was high (I think on acid) in a closet and then just tape-recorded what he said while he was in there." The video makes it what it is, but it's just pretty funny to listen to it and imagine a guy locked in a closet talking to himself about all this crazy stuff. AND, just picture yourself getting mad at a walkway, etc. Sigh. This is what keeps me entertained at meetings!
Courtney and Justin are on their way down here - I have a feeling it's going to take them about 5 hours to get here from Austin because of the rain...feel sorry for them. We're supposed to go eat dinner at Casey's so I'm really hoping it doesn't take that long. We don't get good seafood in Austin so we definitely take advantage of it while we're in Galveston!

I talked to G earlier and he said that Charlie missed me last night. Usually I'm the one that picks Charlie up and lets him into bed at night because I'm a sucker :) Anyways, G said that he gave in last night because Charlie was whining and picked him up into bed. When he did this however, apparently Charlie walked around the bed for a while Looking for me and then laid down. He said that Charlie seemed to not be able to get comfortable at all last night, made me laugh picturing little Charlie walking around knowing that something was missing and trying to figure it out. Poor thing! I miss him a lot....and G :)

I'll try to post again but we're not gonna have any picture action before this weekend at the earliest. Lo siento. (again, I'm fluent.)

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