Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Name!

Yesterday was horrible/exhausting! Well, from 8:13 a.m. - 12:57 p.m. it was terrible! Those are the hours that I spend at the DPS, driving to the wrong place that I thought was social security and then actually going to the SS office. Sigh. I left the DPS around 10:30 a.m. Got to the SS office around 10:45 a.m. and didn't leave til almost 1 p.m. Let me just tell you, going to either of those places gives you a lot to be thankful for. I don't know what 99% of the people were in the SS office for, but from the 1% that I overheard talking - wow! There are some odd people in this city that I live in! In fact, I think this cute couple was in there when I was.

I did come up with a really good idea while sitting there for 2 hours; a really good idea I'd never do. It would make a very interesting blog to go sit in the SS office for 2 hours a day and then write about your experience and the people you meet and stories you hear. Not sure if that's legal, but it would make for a great read. By the time I got to the little cubby hole to change my name my eyes were tired and my head hurt and I just wanted to leave and go to work - tells you how bad it was. So I get to the cubby and the guy is uber-friendly (sarcasm) and then laughed when he read back my new name. Yes, I get it, it rhymes. But I didn't have another choice that I wanted to go with and I have always been a fan of Dr. Seuss....I wanted to tell him that I actually really like my new name and then say something else but I held it back. :) I just don't understand how people change their names 2 or 3 times and go through that process each time. Ugh. Maybe it just sucked bc it was a Monday, who knows. What a coincidence...THIS cute pair was right across from me as well....
Ahhhhhhhh. Just kidding about the 2 couples. But there were tons of people that definitely looked like them! Minus the wedding dress.
So last night I went home after working for 1/2 the day since that's all that was left and Garett wasn't feeling well at all :( I took Charlie for a walk by myself, met some friendly neighbor weiner-dogs that were really cute, let Charlie run around the big hill by himself for a while and then did a whole lot of nothing that included watching the Bachelor...again. I swear. This show gets worse and worse each season (because it used to be sooo good!) and yet I still sit there and watch it. The bachelor is such a *good-looking* loser. I honestly can't imagine someone being that NICE. Kind of sad. And then last night was the big reveal that some porn model girl that was on there for Jake had slept with one of the crew members. Now in the news she's saying that's all made up and didn't really happen. Who cares? Why am I even talking about this right now? I think because it's TV crack.

Speaking of crack........American Idol starts tonight! I'm not afraid to admit that I still watch that show occasionally (usually not until the singers get into the top 10ish and they're actually talented.) It'll be weird without Paula. That's all I have to say about that.

Charlie. God love him. Last night, as I mentioned, G was not feeling well and the only thing that sounded good was hot and sour soup. So...we went and picked some up. Now, I'm not blaming G or anything but Charlie 1. spilled the soup that was in G's hands all over the arm of the couch and 2. somehow crawled across G's lap, ended up being 1/2 on G and 1/2 on the arm of the couch and knocked the 1/4th full LARGE container of hot and sour soup all over the carpet floor. I think G was a little into 'Chuck' at the time of the accident...but again, not blaming him! Now I have a partially eaten TV stand and some crusty chinese carpet to go with it.

G went to Dallas this morning at 3 a.m. so of course the second he leaves, Charlie is in full on play-mode. It consisted of him bringing me every toy he owns and wanting me to throw it for him. Come 4:00 a.m. I was done. Period. I hopped into bed, played a game of brickbraker on my phone (which is a superstitious thing I do every time G goes to Dallas - don't ask,) then called G after I died on the second level and started to fall asleep with my Charlie in bed with me. :) This morning came realllllllll quick. Charlie woke up 1 min before my alarm was supposed to go off, he has a talent for doing this. Then we played for a while & went for a walk. Charlie stepped right into his own big 'ol pile of steaming poop. And yes - it was literally steaming in the cold weather this morning. He hasn't done this since he was about, oh, 9 weeks. Yet he chooses to do it the morning I'm alone and already a little late for work. I hate washing poop off of his toes first thing in the morning. Sick.

Anyways - I'm very sad today that he's in his crate by himself. I went home at lunch and played fetch with him and took him for another walk to hopefully tire him out. Guess we'll see how rested and nutso he is come 5:45 when I get home!

I don't think I took any pictures of Charlie yesterday :( so here's one this past month of Charlie with his new favorite toy. If only we'd known he'd love hangers as much as he does we would have saved quite a bit of money on toys!

El fin. (I'm fluent.)

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