Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So long, Adios and Sayonara! And HELLLOOOOO!

So I have to start off with a picture that G sent to me :) Aaaaaawwwwwwww...makes me want to do this with Charlie! Except 1. He isnt' that small anymore so we'd need a huge bowl and 2. There is NO WAY he'd stay put in the bowl like that. Well, maybe. and 3. I would not want to clean that up! So...Guess we'll never know.This also reminds me of Charlie! If you don't know what I'm talking about please refer back to the post on dingle berries :)

Anyways, long story short....G GOT A NEW CAR! AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Saturday morning we woke up and were bound and determined to go look at cars and start the shopping process. We decided to take G's car to Genie Car Wash because it badly needed to be cleaned out and he was willing to pay for someone else to do it instead of him taking the chance of catching some disease from touching the stuff in his center console. So we head downstairs and walk to his car and there was a hand-written note on the windshield that said, "If you are looking to sell your car today or sometime soon please let me know, I'd be interested. I pay cash." And it left a phone number. I was a little hesitant about it because that just NEVER happens. I mean, think about it. There was a note left on his car asking to pay cash for it the SAME DAY we were going to try to sell it. Really? Really! So G wasn't the least bit hesitant and picked up his little iphone and called the guy right away. 30 minutes later the guy shows up, drives the car and offers us several hundred bucks (cash) over the trade-in value that we had researched. AND DONE!
I decided it was a good idea to take a picture of G driving his old car one last time to meet the guy who bought it and hand over the keys :( So long Avalon - have a nice life in Mexico! (that's what we're assuming at least.)
Long story short - this left us with 1 car and about 1 hour to go look at new cars. So we decided to head over to the nearest Honda dealership to test drive some cars and get some information. So that's just what we did!

G narrowed it down to 2 cars that eveving. 1. The 4-door Honda Civic or 2. The 2-door Honda Accord Coupe. He stayed up til 4 a.m. that night and did more and more research.

Monday rolled around (car dealerships are closed Sundays, blah!) and we went to a different Honda dealership after work. We met with a nice salesman, did some talking, test drove the coupe again and then I did all of the talking from there. After some discussion I basically asked the guy to sell us the car for over $5K less than the MSRP, which was about #3K less than the invoice price. He looked at me like I was a little nuts while G looked at me like he was going to cry. (He really wanted the car at this point!) The salesman said very casually, "Well my manager is gone for the day so I would have to wait until tomorrow morning to ask him about the price.) I think he expected us to say, "Oh nevermind, lets just get it for XYZ." Nope! I said, "Ok, well then please give us a call tomorrow morning after speaking with him and let us know what he says." Then we got up and left! Poor G. We got into my little Ford Focus and drove away while G kept saying, "I just feel kinda bad..." Sigh.

Next morning G got a call from Mr. Salesman and the finance team. The deal was - they would give us the car for our price we offered IF and only IF we financed through them. G called me and told me that he thought that was fair if they matched our interest rate. I said, "No, it is fair if they BEAT our interst rate." So, G wasn't so sure about that so I told him to just tell the guy we'd come into the dealership and talk about it. That is what we did - went in there, said we wanted a lower interest rate if that was the price and they got it for us. Therefore - we own a New 2009 Honda Accord Coupe. It is pretty...very very pretty. And I think it's going to be a great car for G. It gets good gas mileage and is fun to drive - he'll have a good time having to go to Dallas now! I'm looking forward to 4-5 years! That is when we have a child and that means that I get the car that I want at that time :) The end. So as we were driving out of the lot I, of course, had to take a picture of G in his new pretty car ahead of me. He had the biggest, goofiest smile on his face the entire drive home!

Helloooo beautiful car!

I asked G if I could drive the car to work 2-3 days a week since he doesn't go anywhere during the day. He basically told me NO so I told him that I hoped our future unborn children do not have the selfish gene that is apparently carried on his side! :)

Anyways, back to Charlie. Sigh - I love that little dog. He makes me happy all the time :) You get home from work - he's happy. You wake up in the morning - he's happy (even though you're not.) You take him outside - he's happy. You pet his little head - he's happy. You get the hint! Seriously though, I think Charlie is one of the happiest little puppies around and that makes me happy. Here are some pictures from this past week. And yes, I know I've sucked at updating. I'm giong to just try to keep up with this blog, giving up on the "every day" thing. It's too hard when you have meetings looming around you in the near future.

G took this picture of Charlie laying on top of me while eating his foot. Let me tell you - he's quite talented this dog! Quite flexible too.

Charlie has found some plants (Edit: he did not kill this one!) that he likes to chew on. There are these brown ones and some green ones around our apartment he just LOVES. It's pretty funny to watch him go at them! See - look how innocent he looks below!

You can't see Charlie that well in this picture - but I wanted to show you how the passenger in our cars has to ride if Charlie's in the car as well. He LOVES sticking his little head and big ears out of car window, regardless of how cold or wet it it. We're not trusting him to do this on his own quite yet so that's why G has a firm hold on his little little butt :)

Another long story short (I promise, last one) was the story about cleaning out G's old car. Well G and his dad were at Kinko's getting some paperwork done for selling the old car I was sent home to hurry and clean out the car. I honestly felt like crying the second I opened the trunk. I was by myself, hot, tired and hungry. (we didn't eat anything until about 4pm that day.) That's another story but I'll spare you. So anyways, I get to G's car and look in the windows - it was dirty but manageable. So I cleaned out all of his CD's and trash and coins that were ALL over the place. My hands were sticky and black and so gross by the end of cleaning out the inside of his car. So then I head around back, throw open the trunk thinking (stupidly) that all that would be in there would maybe be a blanket or soccer ball or something like that. NOPE! I almost cried. There were about 7 blankets, 4 ropes, a soccer bag full of shoes, etc that were falling out, 2 random balls, a HUGE boombox from 1988, a fold-up chair, a very large box containing a kit to "make your own beer at home," random hats, shirts, shoes and bags. I took all of that up to the apartment in 2 trips! Was I proud of myself for doing all of that? Sure. Was my arm sore the next day for trying to only make it in 2 trips? Yes. SO THEN I got back into the old car and drove it to Kinko's to meet G, his dad and the guy buying it. Yet when I got there I could not for the life of my find anyone I knew, including G. I got a little worried and called him. He informed me that he was "sorry" and that they had actually left Kinko's and were pulling into our apartment right then. He didn't think I'd be "that fast" at cleaning out his car. Sigh. Again - almost cried.

And really I just wanted to tell you that story because one of the large, random balls that was in the trunk now belongs to Charlie. He LOVES it and loves chasing it and having us kick it and he even punctured it with his fangs and can carry it in his mouth. He's so cute doing it, and yes, that makes me happy as well and makes cleaning out the trunk almost worth it :)

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